Are you having problems with your current business card that fails to impress potential clients? Or maybe you are not getting the increased business that your card is supposed to provide for you. Then you should improve
your business card to make it into a great marketing tool.
The business card is more than just a piece of paper to pass our names & numbers. It represents an opportunity to become an impressive marketing tool. Our business cards should be unique & distinctive so as to be a memorable conversation piece for consumers.
Below are 10 tips to making your business cards function as a 'fresh' advertising billboard for your businesses.
* Ensure basic information on your card is complete as in your name, profession, office address, contact numbers & fax numbers. Providing your email address & your web site's address will give it more appeal to consumers.
* Offer special discounts & promotions on your business card.
* Place your business card in all your correspondence.
* Make your business card an appointment card to achieve dual functionality.
* Give your business card to everyone you meet be it store clerks, gas station attendants, toll booth operators and etc to get maximum exposure of your business.
* Make your business card a mini billboard to advertise your service or business product.
* Your business card can also be a fridge magnet. Spend a little more money on it and you have a better chance of having your business card on a potential client's fridge instead of simply stacked away with other cards.
* A professionally designed logo will reflect the true identity of your business and also make your business card more identifiable even at a single glance.
* Your business or services unique selling proposition (USP) should be highlighted on the back of your card. Some good examples of USP are:
1. Head & Shoulders: "You get rid of dandruff",
2. Olay: "You get younger-looking skin", &
3. Red Bull: "You get stimulation of body and mind".
* Shape your card relative to your business so your card can become a conversation piece. Limit the uniqueness so your card will not be difficult to fit into places where business cards are stored or else it will risk a chance of getting misplaced thus probably forgotten.
Our business cards do not have to lay dormant in somebody's wallet or drawer. Instead, it can play an active & powerful role to promote you, your business, & your services. Create your business card & follow the tips mentioned above to let it generate for you increased profits to your business. Your business card is your smallest, efficient, & most effective advertising billboard! -
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