Your business card is a pint-sized marketing tool that packs a big punch. The first impression that a prospective client will have of your company will often be through a business card. Handing out business cards is a
fast, easy, and personal way to promote your company. Maximize the effectiveness of your business card with these seven tips:
1. Make sure your business card is worth keeping. Low quality and unprofessional cards are the first to be trashed. Pull out your business card and ensure that it conforms to the following standards. First, a business card must 3.5" by 2." Anything larger will not fit in wallets or business card holders. The card itself must give the impression of professionalism. A card that is flimsy, has perforated edges, is boring, or has ink that smudges will convey an unprofessional image. A good business card is made of high quality paper, includes an image of the company logo, and is printed in an easy to read font. Finally, a business card must include every means possible to contact you, including your phone, email, fax, voice mail, and website.
2. Give your card away with a two to three sentence "commercial." As you hand a potential client your card, introduce yourself and your company. Explain what your company does and how it can benefit the client. An effective "commercial" will make someone want to keep your card handy.
3. Never give away just one card. Always give a potential client at least two cards, preferably more. Ask them to pass on your card to anyone they feel may be in need of your service or product. In return, ask for extras of their card to hand out. They'll be more likely to promote you if they know that you will be returning the favor.
4. Attach your card to everything. Staple it to flyers and brochures that your company distributes. Include an extra copy in correspondence. Hand out your card with other marketing items with your contact information printed on them such as: pens, notepads, or mouse pads. Your best or most sought-after clients should have dozens of your cards around the office.
5. Create an electronic version of your business card. Make the electronic version of your card the signature for your email account and your e-card will automatically be attached to the end of every email message you
6. Magnetize your card. If your target audience includes homeowners or renters, design a magnet that they will want to put on their fridge. Include the most important of your contact information. Increase the likelihood of your card's permanent attachment to a fridge by adding other important information such as a mini-calendar or a kitchen weights and measurement chart. A photo frame magnet with your contact information that fits around a school sized picture will also be more likely to kept rather than tossed.
7. Give out your business card again after the service is complete or the product has been delivered. Ask your clients to recommend your company to someone else they know that may need the same service. The most powerful incentive for a client to choose a company is the recommendation of a satisfied customer. Once again, remember to give more than one card.By implementing these seven tips, you will create a huge impact through your littlest marketing tool.
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