Everybody knows how expensive the gasoline can be at today unstable market prices. But not only can you save money by choosing the right gas station and maybe not driving a car at all, but you can also lessen the burden on you wallet by following a few steps. These steps are no brain busters but common sense ways to save you some money.
A good working car
First and foremost you need to make sure that your car is all it can be. This means that the car should be in excellent or at least good working condition. If your car is an older model, you should make sure that it gets a good tune-up at least once a year. A nicely tuned car will most likely give you a lot more mileage on the gallon than a car that is in need for service.
Air in tires
Another good way that can help save on your gas bill are properly inflated tires. You need to make sure that you have the right pressure on the gauge when you go and fill up your tires at the gas station. The right amount of air pressure can make the difference of using more or less gas. Properly inflated tires will cause you to use less gas than tires that have not enough air in them.
Every speeder will need more gas than a person that drives the speed limit. If you have a speed limit of 70 miles per hour and you are only going 62 you will lower your gas usage by approximately 15 percent. Now this can be quite a bit over a course of a long drive. It is only a difference of 8 miles per hour, but the difference in your savings can be great.
If you can avoid it than don't use the air conditioner especially when you drive in the city. The temperature should be set to no lower than 75 degrees. Higher is even better. Driving down a highway with the AC on is not as bad as in the city, but driving with open windows on a highway will also make you use more gas.
Getting gas
Make sure you know where you can get the cheapest gas. There are certain internet pages that will show you the lowest prices in your area. If you travel and you need gas, don't go to the gas station that's right off the highway to fill up. Take the extra two or three minutes to drive to a gas station that's closer to town. If you need to fill up before a bigger trip try to get your gasoline from a wholesale club like Sam's Club. The prices at these places are significantly lower than at a regular gas station.
These are just a few examples that can help you keep your gasoline bill down. With a good tuned car and the necessary know-how everybody can save at the pump.
Michelle Johnson has been a freelance writer for a few years and enjoys providing informative articles. You can also check out her latest website on Dual-Basket-Deep-Fryer models which can be found at http://www.dual-basket-deep-fryer.info.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_K_Johnson
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