Being a college student can be hard when it comes to money. There is so much you want to do, but spending money does not seem to make a lot of sense. It is a very difficult time in which you want to be irresponsible, but also are being forces to grow up and face the realities of life. If you live like an irresponsible teenage for your whole life you will wind up in a bankruptcy attorney office when you are older. You would probably prefer to be the bankruptcy lawyer than to have to get help from him. This is an age-old battle that people usually do not discuss. It is especially hard if your parents have paid for things for the majority of your teen life, cutting the cord will be a huge step. Everyone has to grow up eventually but here is some advice for making the financial part a little less painful.
It is understandable that working in college can get hard. Luckily, there are a lot of odd jobs college students can do to make money. Being a teacher's assistant is one thing that will really help. You get paid and it looks good on a resume, and your professors will appreciate it. It never hurts to have good connections. Doing laundry for college sports teams also is a great way to make money. You can do homework while waiting for the laundry, and it can be done at any random time you need it to be done.
Keep an eye out on the student board in the lounge or the dining hall. A lot of people ask for tutors or advocate jobs on these. So many people just pass them by without giving them a second look, when it could hold a huge opportunity. Tutoring is one of the best ways to make money as a student. If you are good at a subject, share it with someone who needs it. Tutoring is a great way to make money. Advocate yourself even on bulletin boards. If you excel in a certain area post letters about a willing math or English tutor, you will be surprised with the money you can make.
You can also save money by limiting your social life spending money. Yes going out and partying is fun, but partying is no cheap. Limit yourself to one night out a week or so, and try to get your friends to do other things. Movie nights and handing out does not have to sounds as lame as it really is. How can a stressed college student refuse a night to relax and hang out with friends?
Also try to watch the amount of money you spend on food. Get a dining plan and try to live by it. Going out to restaurants and grabbing late night snacks from the store down the street will really burn a hole in your pocket. Drop your soda habit for water. A water bottle you can fill up is much cheaper than buying drinks all the time.
Stewart Wrighter recently spent time researching bankruptcy with the help of a DallasTexas bankruptcy attorney. He was very impressed with the quality of workmanship performed by the Plano bankruptcy lawyer at the same practice where he worked.
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